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Cadet of the Month

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Chain of Command
Alpha Co.
Bravo Co.
Charlie Co.
Delta Co.
Echo Co.
Drill Team
Color Guard
Honor Guard
Cadet of the Month

JROTC Cadet Codes

As a cadet:

1. My goals are to be self-reliant, to achieve high moral values, to develop leadership and citizenship skills, to be patriotic, and to show respect for constituted authority.

2. I must learn to follow before I can learn to lead.

3. I am 100% responsible for everything I do or fail to do.

4. I will be personally correct before I try to correct others.

5. I will never lie, cheat, steal, nor bring discredit upon the corps of cadets.


Cadet of the Month:

    Every month, each company will select one cadet to appear before the Cadet of the Month Board and compete for selection as Cadet of the Month. Cadets participating in the Cadet of the Month competition must be a LET 1 with the rank of SGT or below. A complete recommendation is due to the battalion staff the Monday before the board. Winners may not compete again. If a sergeant wins the COM competition, he or she will not be eligible for promotion to the rank of SSG unless they meet all the requirements for promotion to SSG.


COM Winners

May April
C/SGT Mejia

Alpha Co.

C/SGT Steward

Alpha Co.


March February
C/SGT Douglas

Echo Co.

C/SGT Jones

Delta Co.


January December
C/SSG Kerol

Echo Co.

C/SSG Wolcott

Delta Co.


November October
C/SSG Rizkallah

Charlie Co.

C/SSG Wellman

Bravo Co.


September August

C/SSG Vasquez

Echo Co.

C/SSG Massengil

Charlie Co.


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Last modified: May 20, 2003
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