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Chain of Command
Alpha Co.
Bravo Co.
Charlie Co.
Delta Co.
Echo Co.
Drill Team
Color Guard
Honor Guard
Cadet of the Month

JROTC Cadet Codes

As a cadet:

1. My goals are to be self-reliant, to achieve high moral values, to develop leadership and citizenship skills, to be patriotic, and to show respect for constituted authority.

2. I must learn to follow before I can learn to lead.

3. I am 100% responsible for everything I do or fail to do.

4. I will be personally correct before I try to correct others.

5. I will never lie, cheat, steal, nor bring discredit upon the corps of cadets.




bulletGood luck and best wishes to the battalion next year!
bulletWell done to our special awards recipients, you all deserve it. Keep up the good work! 
bulletTo the cadets, our supporters, guests, and parents: Thank you for making our 18th Annual Spring Awards Ceremony successful, we truly appreciate it.
bulletGood job to the Staff, all the Company Commanders and all the cadets who participated in our Battalion Retreat yesterday during 6th period. Job well done!


bulletOn 21 May 2003, Wednesday, Battalion Retreat will be held during 6th period at the JROTC drill area.
bulletThe 18th Annual Spring Awards Ceremony will be on 21 May 2003, Wednesday, at Fitzpatrick gym. It's our biggest event of the year, don't miss it! You don't want to miss my speech.... hahah J/K
bulletWednesday is the last uniform day!


bulletCongratulations to the Drill Team for winning at the Navy Competition!
bulletCongratulations also to the Male Cadet Challenge Team for beating Monterey...  Go Spartans!!! 
bulletCongratulations to the IDD Competition winners!
bulletGood job to the Female Cadet Challenge Team and Color Guard!


bulletNavy Competition/Battalion Picnic tomorrow. See you there..!! 
bulletGoodluck to all the seniors taking the UC Subject A Examination tomorrow!


bulletCongratulations cadets, competition last night was successful! Also, great job to all the winners and participants from all the companies.
bulletStudent Expo tonight at the gym. Come and see what each department has in store for you and your parents!
bulletSpring Sports Rally is tomorrow. Color Guard and Drill Team will be performing...!
bulletNavy Competition and Battalion Picnic is on Saturday, May 10th. Be there or be squared. Win the trophy!


bulletGood job to all the cadets who competed for IDD yesterday! And to the supporters, we knew we could count on you guys. Thank you!
bulletFood Faire tomorrowwwwwww!!!!
bulletJunior-Senior Prom on Saturday, May 3rd at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. See you there!


bulletFood Faire is on Friday, May 2nd. We will be selling Chilidogs, chips, and Kool Aid. Don't forget to come to our booth and support JROTC!
bulletA reminder again, IDD Competition is on Wednesday, April 30th after school. Co. Commanders: make sure your cadets are ready and on time.
bulletPromotions on Wednesday! (yay!)


bulletIDD Competition is on April 30th @ the JROTC Drill area. Competition starts at 1500 hrs. Be on time!
bullet Guidon, Squad, Platoon Competition is on May 7th @ the Fitzpatrick Gym. Winners for all events will be announced shortly after Platoon Competition.


bulletCadet challenge will be going on this week (4/21- 4/25). All cadets taking JROTC for PE credit are required to complete each cadet challenge event.
bulletSTAR Testing will be on April 22-25 so watch out for the schedule. Goodluck guys! Do well on the test and get that $1000 scholarship!


bulletSeaside Battalion did an outstanding job at Camp Freedom 2003 (Hooaahh!!!) This year, spring camp was hosted by Fresno High School at Fort Hunter Leggett in Jolon, CA.

            Awards received:

bulletCommander's Cup
bullet1st Place Raiders Team
bullet1st Place Raiderettes Team
bullet2nd Place Cadet Challenge
bullet2nd Place Squad Drill
bullet3rd Place Volleyball Team            

            I'm so proud of you cadets! Our Battalion deserves all of these awards, each and everyone of us worked hard to get that far. Everyone's presence made a major difference at camp, we wouldn't have done it without you motivated team players and spirited cheerleaders..!!!! I'm honored to be your Battalion Commander, and to the future BC: Carry on the legacy!   - C/LTC Ayson


bullet1st Semester Planner
bullet2nd Semester Planner


Web Changes

This is where we'll announce the most recent announcements, and additions to our web site as well. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.



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Send mail to the webmaster at seasidejrotc@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 Seaside High JROTC
Last modified: May 20, 2003
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